Ayurvedic Practitioner
(Diploma): Level 2

“Ayurvedic Practitioner”

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Ayurvedic Practitioner’s
(Diploma): Level 2

“Ayurvedic Practitioner”


Experience the pinnacle of Ayurvedic education with our Level 2 – Ayurveda Practitioner Course, an intensive and advanced program designed to elevate your practice to the next level. Over 18 months, students immerse themselves in a phenomenal curriculum of expert tuition, tailored for those dedicated to mastering Ayurveda at an advanced level.

We’ve enhanced the program by adding an additional 20% of teaching and vocational training through shadow consultations, providing even more support and hands-on experience to our practitioners. Drawing from the patient base of the Ayurvedic Clinic, our course offers unparalleled value and vocational training, aligning with the evolving needs of our students.

At the core of our curriculum lies a comprehensive approach to treating disorders using effective and practical Ayurvedic methods, informed by decades of experience from our Ayurvedic physicians treating serious disorders in the West. This program is meticulously crafted to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in Ayurvedic practice.

Our diverse student body, including doctors, healthcare professionals, alternative health practitioners, yoga teachers, lawyers, accountants, and full-time mothers from around the world, have all experienced personal evolution through this course. Whether you’re a Level 1 graduate seeking to further your expertise or a seasoned Ayurveda consultant ready to enter the practice in the UK and the West, our Level 2 course is tailored to meet your professional aspirations.

Join us and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a skilled Ayurveda practitioner, where passion meets purpose and ancient wisdom meets modern practice. Unlock your full potential and make a lasting impact in the field of holistic health and well-being.

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Ayurvedic Practitioner’s Course (Diploma) with us?

Learn the science of life & the art of practice

Starts 25th September 2021“Health is our true wealth” and so learning Ayurveda is the best investment of our life

This course is an intensive in Ayurvedic medicine, and will deepen the student’s knowledge whilst catapulting their ability to practice to the next level. It is a phenomenal number of teaching hours and expert tuition packed into either 12 months or 18 months for the student who wishes to dedicate themselves to learning Ayurveda. It represents the very best value and the very best in practical training.

There is a total of over 200 teaching hours not including extra sessions in practice development, which include 11 full immersion weekends with Dr Deepika Rodrigo; 10 live-stream Q&A sessions; 10 live-stream medicine classes; 25+ Sanskrit classes – in classroom & live-stream; 2 days advanced, supervised training clinics; access to the full set of recorded lectures.

Our courses are characterised by authenticity, vocational practice through our clinic, pioneering teaching strategies and technology and flexibility to allow you to mould your education around your life.

Learn the science of life & the art of practice

Starts 25th September 2021“Health is our true wealth” and so learning Ayurveda is the best investment of our life

This course is an intensive in Ayurvedic medicine, and will deepen the student’s knowledge whilst catapulting their ability to practice to the next level. It is a phenomenal number of teaching hours and expert tuition packed into either 12 months or 18 months for the student who wishes to dedicate themselves to learning Ayurveda. It represents the very best value and the very best in practical training.

There is a total of over 200 teaching hours not including extra sessions in practice development, which include 11 full immersion weekends with Dr Deepika Rodrigo; 10 live-stream Q&A sessions; 10 live-stream medicine classes; 25+ Sanskrit classes – in classroom & live-stream; 2 days advanced, supervised training clinics; access to the full set of recorded lectures.

Our courses are characterised by authenticity, vocational practice through our clinic, pioneering teaching strategies and technology and flexibility to allow you to mould your education around your life.

To get more information

1. Syllabus, materials & learning support

We offer students unparalleled learning and learning support. The syllabus is drawn from the 6-year Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery degree, focusing specifically on that which is directly relevant to using and practicing Ayurveda in today’s modern world whilst also providing a thorough grounding in the foundations of this science.

The vocational training we provide is critically focused on real-life practice through training clinics, shadow consultations, student’s own case studies and the provision of individualised feedback from the teachers as part of our commitment to provide internship experience during your learning.

2. Structure, Syllabus & Faculty

Our students truly come from diverse professional backgrounds and lifestyles and connect with us from countries across the world, seeking a deeper and more meaningful purpose.

This tends to be students aged 25-80 for whom full-time study may not be realistic. Our experience is that those who earnestly seek this education are also its greatest advocates. With that in mind, we committed to offering our courses through immersions and through different media to best accommodate them, which in turn best serves our mission to raise awareness of Ayurveda for the benefit of all.

Every aspect of the course from its structure, facilities, practicum and most of all, the teaching itself is aligned with allowing access to this precious education to these most earnest of seekers.

3. Qualification & practice support

Students earn a qualification from an accredited course with the essential knowledge and moreover an enormous amount of practical training to treat a range of disorders and common ailments and advise on general well being as well as identifying the predominant dosha and imbalances in the body causing the disorder. With this, the opportunity to create new ways of earning a living using the secrets of an ancient science are vast.

Our commitment does not end there. We support our professionals to use and practice Ayurveda for the benefit of all. Above and beyond, we offer a range of support services on a not-for-profit basis to our professionals such as continued advisory services online and via live-stream Q&A sessions, high quality supplements and products sourced and provided not-for-profit and free student membership of the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK.

4. Fees & registration
  • Registration on this course entitles students to substantial discounts on related courses, products and first year free membership of the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK (AAPUK) as well as substantial discounts on insurance for practice.
  • As places fill up quickly, you can secure your place by putting down a £500.00 registration deposit (non-refundable) and we have payment plans to spread the investment over the year.
  • You can join in our regular online Zoom calls and / or have a personal call with our Course Director to see how the course would look for you.

Meet Your Admissions Team

Ilanka Fernando

Course Director

If you have any inquiries about our offerings or need assistance understanding the course details, please feel free to call me. We are committed to guiding you and ensuring your experience with us is exceptional.
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Hari Athi

Course Cordinator

If you have any questions about how Ayurveda can transform your life or need guidance on your Ayurveda journey, please reach out to me. Thank you for exploring our courses. We are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.
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Ajanta Kaza Ayurveda Institute

Joanne Forbes

Course Cordinator

If you have any questions about how Ayurveda can help you or why you should study with us, please feel free to call me. I am also happy to share how studying Ayurveda with our institute changed my life. We are here to ensure your journey with us is rewarding.
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Ajanta Kaza Ayurveda Institute


Accounts & Course Administration

If you have any inquiries about course fees, financial issues, or other administrative tasks, please don’t hesitate to call me. I am also happy to provide an introduction to what we offer at the institute. We strive to provide you with outstanding service throughout your learning experience.
Book a Call

Frequently asked questions

What is included in the course?

This course is an intensive in Ayurvedic medicine, and will catapult your knowledge and ability to practice. It comprises a phenomenal amount of teaching hours and expert tuition packed into 18 months for the student who wishes to dedicate himself/herself to learning Ayurveda. It represents the very best value and the very in best practical training.

The course will begin in September 2024. The new structure involves 6 immersions of duration between 2-5 days over the course of the year. The main immersions will be spread over 5 days (Saturday to Wednesday). For those who have any difficulty in attending sessions during the week, they will be live-streamed and recorded to watch when possible. In addition, students will now be sent video teaching prior to the immersions to prepare for them. This allows us to delve so much deeper into Ayurveda during the immersions and gives considerably more individual time for students with the teachers to explore the subject and prepare you for practice. The new structure allows us to give so much more practical, vocational and individual training to our students. Our course now offers hundreds of hours of teaching which compares to a full-time course, whilst reducing the independent study hours for the student.

The additional sessions that we can now offer as part of the course are :

  • Advanced training clinics with one-to-one feedback from Ayurvedic physicians with volunteer patients of The Ayurvedic Clinic
  • In-class analysis of patients according to disorders
  • Shadow consultations: watching real consultations led by highly experienced Ayurvedic physicians and analysis & feedback
  • Sanskrit classes to decode common terms and Sanskrit sloka in Ayurveda
  • Ayurvedic pharmacology expert sessions: to teach and answer student questions on prescribing supplements
  • Practical instruction and demonstrations classes for the preparation of Ayurvedic home remedies and applications
  • Practical classes on the identification of herbs and plants used in Ayurvedic pharmacology
  • Instruction and materials on essential recipes for Ayurvedic remedies
    Additional medicine classes
  • Practice development sessions designed to help practitioners get themselves set up and start practice
    Discounted Anatomy and Physiology classes online with affiliate training provider
  • Discounted membership to the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK (AAPUK)
  • Practice development sessions to help students go beyond the challenges of establishing a practice and to address issues with existing practices
  • Not-for-profit, specialist herbal supplements, tonics and herbal oils for prescription to clients to boost nutrition, lifestyle and home remedies and generate a separate stream of income
  • 25% discount on Diploma in Ayurvedic Massage Therapy
  • 25% discount on Diploma in Panchakarma Technician Training
  • Further discounts on courses run by the Ayurveda Institute UK
  • Discounted consultations
  • Certificate
How is the course & study structured?

The course is a one-year diploma, taught in 6 live immersions (2-5 days duration) plus 80-100 hours of video teaching which is made available prior to the immersions to prepare for them. Between the immersions we hold regular group Q&A sessions

We are committed to offering our courses through different media, electronic or otherwise to ensure that this education is accessible to students who earnestly seek it, which in turn best serves our mission to raise awareness of Ayurveda for the benefit of all. Every aspect of the course from its structure, facilities, practicum and most of all, the teaching itself is aligned with this overall mission.

Students have continued access to the video library of teaching and support through the Facebook forum after the first 12 months of teaching and during the final 6 months of training. All components of this course are compulsory, with the exception of practice development.

Together they comprise up to 600 hours made up of core teaching on Ayurveda, supervised training, advanced training clinics, medicine classes, case studies, Q&A sessions, Sanskrit teaching, practice development sessions, home reading and study.

What are the immersion and tutorial dates?

Immersion dates:

  • 23rd & 24th September 2024 (2 days)
  • 21st & 22nd October 2024 (2 days)
  • 2nd,3rd & 4th December 2024 (3 days)
  • 9th & 10th December 2024 (2 days)
  • 2nd,3rd & 4th March 2024 (3 days)
  • 9th & 10th March 2024 (2 days)
  • 8th, 9th & 10th June 2024 (3 days)
Fully or partly online? What is so unique about our online service?
Our courses are designed to be as flexible as possible. Students can tailor the course to fit in with busy lifestyles and childcare commitments using a combination of:

  • Attendance in person
  • Live-streamed, fully interactive lectures
  • Recorded lectures

Student are able to take the course entirely online if they wish from abroad and within the UK. We have students from 5 continents on our diploma courses learning with us as far afield as Canada, Australia, South America, Africa and the Middle East. See our e-Learning tab on our website for access to the list of countries.

We require minimum attendance in ‘real-time’ (i.e. in person or via live-stream) of 8 of the 10 teaching weekends plus the examination (all other classes can be taken via live-stream or recordings). Should any student require special dispensation as a result of existing commitments allowances can be made accordingly if the student notifies the Institute. Students can attend in real time in person or by connecting via live-stream on their laptop or any device.

This facility allows students to participate from home as if they were in the classroom. Students can see and hear the lectures in real time, have questions answered by our Ayurvedic practitioners and can ask questions of the lecturer in real time using live chat.

All lectures, tutorials, Sanskrit classes and all sessions are recorded and made available to students for the whole year, so that they are able to catch up on missed lectures or recap at their leisure.

What are the attendance requirements?
Our courses are designed to be as flexible as possible. Students can tailor the course to fit in with busy lifestyles and childcare commitments using a combination of attendance in-person, live-stream facility and recorded lectures.

We require minimum attendance in ‘real-time’ (i.e. in person or via live-stream) of 8 of the 11 teaching weekends plus the examination. Students can attend in real time in person or by connecting via live stream on their laptop. This facility allows students to participate from home as if they were in the classroom. Students can see and hear the lectures in real time and can ask questions of the lecturer in real time using live chat.

All lectures are recorded and made available to students for the whole year, so students can catch up on missed lectures or recap at their leisure.

Real-time attendance whether in person or via live-stream is highly recommended. Students who have any particular difficulties with attendance in ‘real-time’ can notify us as we aim to make this teaching as accessible as possible, especially for those with non-negotiable commitments.

All students attending the immersion weekends in person are required to sign in on the online register for each immersion weekend 1 week before the start of each immersion.

Who are the course tutors?

Dr Deepika Rodrigo B.A.M.S.

The principle lecturer and a senior Ayurvedic physician, having been extra-ordinarily in continuous clinical practice for almost 25 years. She is widely recognised as a major driving force behind the growing awareness of Ayurveda in the UK. She has 20 years of teaching experience including the post as senior lecturer at the College of Ayurveda, Westminster University, Middlesex University where she trained many of today’s leading Ayurvedic specialists. As a director of the Ayurveda Institute UK and the principle lecturer in all courses she conducts, Dr Rodrigo is a prolific teacher investing an enormous number of face-to-face hours with her students.

She has been practicing from her established, London based Ayurvedic Clinic, since 2000 and uniquely amongst her peers, has a wealth of clinical experience to bring to her teaching.

Dr Wathsala Wijesinghe B.A.M.S., MSc, M.D

A senior Ayurvedic physician, having been in continuous clinical practice for almost 25 years. She has helped thousands of people to prevent, cure or manage a wide range of acute and chronic disorders, including women’s disorders, digestive disorders, skin problems and neurological disorders. Her experience has spanned treating people at grass roots level in rural communities to hospitals and private clinics in different countries.

She has been providing her services to the teaching of Ayurveda for 25 years at every level of education from schools to universities and educating rural communities. She has presented and conducted over 20 research works within the scientific community during her career.

Gabriella Burnel BA Hons (Oxon) (Sanskrit teacher)

Gabriella obtained a BA Hons from Oxford University in 2007 with a degree in Sanskrit. Since graduating has been teaching Sanskrit.

During her time at university she covered Pali, Tibetan and Hindi as well as Sanskrit, including study of Panini and working on previously untranslated manuscripts for her dissertation.

Having been taught Sanskrit since the age of 4, it is in her blood, and Gabriella feels particularly strongly about the beauty in the sounding of the Sanskrit language and the purity of the alphabet.

She has taught privately as well as been a tutor at St James senior boys school. Gabriella also writes bespoke songs and comedy, sings regularly and even includes performances of Sanskrit Slokas in her London gigs.

She sometimes sings with musicians from India, combining East and West. Gabriella is currently studying herself with a teacher at the Bhavan, learning Hindustani vocal music and continues her Sanskrit studies.

Other teachers

Other teachers at the Institute include guest Ayurvedic physicians, guest medical professionals from allopathic and complementary medical disciplines, Ayurvedic practitioners, senior massage therapists and other practitioners who contribute their expertise to modules of the course. We will also have business and practice management modules to assist in setting up and practising successfully. This includes marketing advice and tackles the issues that most practitioners find challenging such as finances and charging clients.

Who and what is the course designed for?
This course is an intensive in Ayurvedic medicine, and will deepen the student’s knowledge whilst catapulting their ability to practice to the next level. It is a phenomenal number of teaching hours and expert tuition packed into either 12 months or 18 months for the student who wishes to dedicate themselves to learning Ayurveda. It represents the very best value and the very best in practical training. The focus of this course is unique, going to straight to the heart of treating disorders using the most effective and practical Ayurvedic methods drawing from the experience of many decades of treating patients for serious disorders in the West.
The Ayurvedic Practitioners Course is designed for anyone who wants to deepen and advance their understanding of Ayurveda for practice after having completed the Level 1 Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Nutrition or an equivalent foundational qualification.

It is ideal for those who are already practicing as Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Nutrition Consultants and wish to work towards the full Ayurvedic practitioner level. Successful graduates will be qualified as Ayurvedic practitioners and if they choose to continue their studies they can continue to Level 3 as an Ayurvedic Practitioner.

The course benefits those with prior medical training in other disciplines such as medical doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare practitioners as well those working with alternative or complementary medical disciplines and those without prior medical training.

It is tailor made for those who wish to practice Ayurvedic medicine in the West and is uniquely structured so that students can continue to treat clients during the course and earn while they continue to learn. It is the second part of a trilogy of diploma courses, each building on the learning from the last to deepen students’ understanding of the science and the art of its practice.

Our experience is that these teachings are life-changing. Every student who commits to this study emerges from the course having experienced deep personal transformation at every level of their lives.

Ayurveda and its practice in the West is a pioneering endeavour. Everything we do is stepping into new territory and is shaping the future of Ayurveda. What that means is that the opportunity to create new ways of earning a living using the secrets of an ancient science are vast. Here are some

examples from our own students and beyond:

  • Practice as an Ayurvedic Practitioner
  • In the case of healthcare professionals such as doctors and dentists, apply an integrated approach to the treatment of patients
  • Combine Ayurvedic nutritional and lifestyle practice with counselling or coaching
  • Combine Ayurvedic nutritional and lifestyle practice with massage therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Join a growing number of healthcare clinics
  • Form a collective of Ayurvedic practitioners
  • Design, produce and sell Ayurvedic medicinal or cosmetic products using the knowledge of plants and herbs
  • Teach courses and give talks on Ayurveda generally or talks to specified audiences according to their needs
  • Collaborate with other health care professionals
  • Focus on specific disorders
  • Write blogs and articles for the internet & e-books
  • Write books on topics integrating Ayurveda on lifestyle, diet,cookery, yoga guides
  • Combine Ayurveda with the practice of other disciplines such as yoga or acupuncture
  • Use Ayurveda to treat animals
  • Market and sell food products, specifically for the treatment of specific disorders
  • Organise retreats integrating Ayurveda
  • Food stalls, cafes or restaurants based on Ayurvedic principles
What are the pre-requisites / prior experience for this course?

Applicants must have completed the Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Nutrition at the Ayurveda Institute UK or other equivalent foundational diploma in Ayurvedic medicine or lifestyle and nutrition studies. The Directors will consider applications from students who have undertaken prior studies elsewhere or upon submission of the syllabus and details of the course.

All applicants must:

be at least 21 years of age
be able to communicate in English at high level of competency
Important Note: If you intend to practice as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, knowledge of anatomy and physiology is essential. It is NOT a prerequisite for the course but it is required to receive the certification at the conclusion of the course. There is no requirement to complete the course offered by the Institute’s affiliate training body as long as the equivalent study is undertaken and completed.

The Ayurveda Institute is able to offer students of this Diploma course an online course in Anatomy and Physiology in association with our affiliate training body, at the special discounted price. The promotional code for discounts will be given to students upon registration. For further details, please see our prospectus.

The Level 3 Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology is an FHT accredited Course and is awarded 20 CPD points. The course meets the current national occupational standards and covers all body systems. No attendance is required and all tutorials and assessments are delivered online, in your own time, from the comfort of your own home.

Please see our Prospectus and also click here for full details ETS Training Anatomy & Physiology Course.

What am I qualified to treat?

The list of disorders below, that will be covered during the year is not exhaustive. Please note that particular emphasis will be placed on a number of disorders. Important note: the ability to treat disorders at certain levels of acuity always depends on the knowledge and experience of the practitioner.

  • Charma roga (skin disorders)
  • Sthree roga (gyneacological and obstetric disorders)
    • Vandya (infertility)
    • Arbuda
      • PCOS
      • Endometriosis
      • Fibroids
    • Arthabhava (Menopausal syndrome)
  • Annvaha srotas (digestive tract disorders)
    • Ajeerna (indigestion)
    • Grahani (IBS, ulcerative colitis, Chronh’s disease)
    • Arshas (piles)
    • Atisara (diarrhoea)
    • Krimi (worm infestation)
  • Raktavaha strotas (Blood circulatory system disorders)
    • Hrid roga (heart and vascular disorders – angina, atherosclerosis, hypertension)
  • Pranavaha strotas (respiratory system disorders)
    • Swasa (asthma)
    • Kasa (cough)
    • Rajayakshma & shosha (tuberculosis, AIDS, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia)
  • Mutravaha srotas (urinary disorders)
    • Mutrakrichchra (urinary infections & obstructions)
    • Prameha (diabetes)
  • Sarvasharira roga (general physical disorders)
    • Daha (burning sensation)
    • Jwara (fever)
    • Arbuda (cancer)
    • Pittaja roga (auto-immune disorders)
    • Amavata & vatarakta (arthritis & rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Manovaha strotas (mental disorders)
    • Unmada (insanity, schizophrenia, bipolar, manic depression, anxiety)
    • Madathya (substance abuse)
  • Bala roga (paediatrics)
    • Children’s eczema
    • Asathmikata (allergies & intolerances)
  • The Ayurveda Institute offers Practitioners a proprietary range of Ayurvedic herbal supplements, oils, elixirs and jams, designed specifically for practitioners at this level (this includes some formulated herbal medicines). These supplements are carefully sourced from Sri Lanka and from the same source as used in the Ayurvedic Clinic practice. This means that we can ensure that all herbal remedies are of the highest quality, purity and potency.
  • In addition, the Practitioners Course will focus on the development of herbal supplements made from plants and foods widely available in the West. In this way, the Ayurveda Institute hopes to advance Ayurveda by making treatment more affordable and readily available as well as addressing the issues caused by the environmental impact of importing herbal supplements from Asia. This is the practice of Ayurveda in its purest form, as living, dynamic instrument whose application transcends temporal and geographic variables.

Practitioners will be able to treat clients who are experiencing acute or chronic disorders (from those listed above) beyond the primary stage as well as alleviating some of the discomfort associated with chronic disorders using dietary and lifestyle advice and Ayurvedic supplements, as well as massage therapy (in the case of students who have undertaken the course). Practice at this level means the ability to alleviate discomfort and symptoms, advise on long-term prevention, eliminate the causes of the disorder and in some cases entirely eliminate the disorder.

What is the qualification and what am I qualified to do?
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will obtain a Diploma and will be qualified as an Ayurvedic Practitioner. The student is then able to register as a practitioner with the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK (AAPUK) or the CMA (Complementary Medical Association).

The Association of Ayurvedic Professionals has been established specifically for the purpose of supporting, promoting and assisting all Ayurvedic professionals in the UK and abroad.

The Diploma in Ayurvedic Practitioners Course will provide you with the knowledge, skills and experience to embark on a variety of rewarding careers, some of which are:

  • Develop your own private practice.
  • Integrating knowledge of Ayurvedic healthcare with other modalities, such as allopathic medicine, herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, naturopathy and yoga therapy.
  • Work alongside other health professionals in an integrated therapy clinic.
  • Work at Ayurvedic health spas/resorts.
  • Work within specialist pharmacies or health food shops.
  • Researcher, Teacher or community educator.
  • Ayurvedic product creator or representative.
  • Working in the culinary and nutrition industry
Is the Diploma professionally accredited?
The course is accredited by the Association of Ayuvedic Professionals UK (AAPUK) and the Complementary Medical Association (CMA). Upon successful completion of the course, students can register themselves as practitioners and apply for insurance to practice through either organization.

The Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK (AAPUK) is a professional body for the support and promotion of all Ayurvedic professionals in the UK and abroad as well as a portal for the advancement of Ayurveda through public education and using an integrated approach with conventional medicine. The course is accredited by the AAPUK and students can register with Association and apply for insurance to practice through the partner specialist insurers.

What guidance / support is offered post qualification for practice?
We understand that one of the biggest challenges is establishing and maintaining a practice. Every aspect of this course has been designed to make Ayurveda a living, breathing science that is practiced personally and for the treatment of clients:

  • Syllabus & teaching
  • The whole of the syllabus is designed to give students the knowledge they need to treat clients effectively and in more depth. Drawing from her decades of clinical practice in the UK, Dr Deepika has put together the best of her knowledge, experience and tried and tested Ayurvedic methods for treatment. It is her true desire that such experience be used to serve others.

  • Vocational training
  • The in-course internship, involving case studies and training clinics with supervised consultations and case-by-case advice and feedback is an unparalleled level of practical training in order to develop further skills of identification and treatment of disorders as well as skills of consultation. The aim is to begin to have practitioners go beyond the application of knowledge learned in the first level. At this level, practitioners begin to understand in greater depth the principles of Ayurveda and interpret, adapt and apply them to the individual.

  • Practice development sessions
  • We have pooled advice on setting up a practice both from external experts and our own practitioners to give students critical advice on how to start, develop and thrive in practice. The sessions include advice on legal, financial and marketing aspects of practice and moreover provide insight into the personal psychology of practice and offer coaching to those who feel they would benefit.

  • Supplements, tonics & oils on a not-for-profit basis
    Recognising that there is an enormous disparity in the quality of Ayurvedic supplements available on the market, the Institute is committed to providing supplements and oils to its own practitioners on a not-for-profit basis. They are specially designed for practitioners at each level and are of the highest quality, purity and potency, sourced from the same trusted specialist facility which has been supporting the Ayurvedic Clinic for over 20 years. At this level of practice we are able to introduce a greater range of formulated, compound supplements as well as exploring the capacity to produce supplements ourselves.
  • Optional additional modules in Abhyanga Marma Massage Therapy and Panchakarma Therapy which are offered to students of the Diploma course at specially discounted rates. We encourage those students who wish to practice at a higher level of competence to undertake the Massage Therapy and Panchakarma Therapy diplomas even if they do not offer the service themselves. Knowledge of both will greatly enhance the understanding of the Ayurvedic therapeutic models which we have been employed with great effect by Dr Deepika Rodrigo in the treatment of many disorders.
  • After qualification, we are committed to supporting our professionals to advance Ayurveda for the benefit of all. Beyond graduation, we offer a range of support services on a not-for-profit basis to our professionals:

  • Cost price purchase opportunities for our proprietary range of Ayurvedic herbal supplements, oils, elixirs and jams, designed specifically for practitioners at this level. The herbal supplements are carefully sourced from Sri Lanka and prepared by the same specialists providing for the Ayurvedic Clinic, which are of the highest quality, purity and potency.
  • Advisory service via online media for access to case-by-case advice for your clients from our highly experienced Ayurvedic doctors
  • Free of charge access to certain live-streamed Q&A sessions following the course
  • Free continuing participation in the online Facebook closed group forum community for their year
  • Membership of Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK (AAPUK), the home-grown community and support group for students and professionals
What is the course syllabus?

The core Ayurvedic syllabus is set out below in skeleton form. We highly recommend that you download our Prospectus for a detailed exposition and explanation of the core syllabus. The core Ayurvedic syllabus is drawn directly from the 6-year undergraduate degree Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery which is required to qualify as an Ayurvedic physician. There is enormous depth and breadth to the subjects covered in this intensive course. The subjects have been carefully chosen and critically focus on a student’s ability to use and practice Ayurveda successfully in any part of the world and build upon the knowledge gained in Level 1.

Kaya chikitsa (Disorders & their treatment)

For each category of disorder, the practitioner will have a greater understanding of the following:

What written course materials are provided?
Course materials are distributed before each immersion weekend electronically. The materials are a comprehensive set of tailor made course notes to support the immersion weekend tutorials.

Powerpoint presentations which support learning are also distributed electronically prior to the immersion weekends. Our students find it helpful to print copies of the powerpoint presentations for the immersion weekends to make notes.

As we aim to protect the environment, we provide all Institute teaching materials electronically and do not advocate the printing of unnecessary materials.

What Course Reference & Text books are used?
Course Reference Books provided

The Ayurveda Institute commissions the printing of the reference books and ships them from India for our students. These are the practitioner’s bibles and are to be kept for life. These are expensive to purchase as they incur heavy shipping costs and are difficult to source. They are covered by the course fees in Level 1. For students new to the Ayurveda Institute UK, the books can be purchased from us. Please contact us for more information.

  • Dr G.D. Singhal: “Ayurvedic Clinical Diagnosis (Based on Madhava Nidana)” Volumes 1 and 2″
  • Vaidya Bhagwan Dash: “A Handbook of Ayurveda”
  • Ramachandra Reddy: “Bhaisajya Kalpana Vigyan”
  • Translated by Prof. K. R. Srikantha Murthy: “Vagbhata’s Astanga Hrdayam Volumes I, II & III

Course Text books

Students are required to purchase the text-books themselves which are available either in hard copy or Kindle edition on Amazon. Students can also purchase used copies on Amazon for a fraction of the new price.

  • Vasant Lad: “Ayurveda, the Science of Self-healing: a Practical Guide”
  • Vasant Lad: “The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies: A Comprehensive Guide to the Ancient Healing of India”
  • Vasant Lad: “Textbook of Ayurveda: the Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda. Volume 1″
  • Vasant Lad: “Textbook of Ayurveda: the Complete Guide to Clinical Assessment. Volume 2″
What learning support is available to students?
At the Ayurveda Institute we aim to offer students unparalleled learning support and be in practice while learning. The vocational training we provide is critically focused on real-life practice and consultations are held with patients from the Ayurvedic Clinic as well as volunteer clients brought by students. Both doctors are able to provide individualised feedback. In-house vocational training is one of the key, defining feature of this programme.

The immersion weekends are the most direct transmission of the understanding of Ayurveda and act as an experiential platform to embody the material. Each immersion includes intensive learning experiences that allow the student to excavate, discover and integrate who they are and what they can bring to the practice of Ayurveda.
Regular live-stream Q&A tutorial sessions between the immersion weekends with our experienced Ayurvedic physicians. These sessions are for further discussion, revision and analysis of students’ case studies with their own clients.
Regular live-stream additional medicine classes between immersion weekends taught by Dr Wathsala Wijesinghe who specializes in Ayurvedic pharmacology.
Exposition of particular disorders through demonstration consultations with patients from the Ayurvedic Clinic.
Training clinics offer the most exponential practical learning available. Students will conduct a number of supervised consultations with patients from the Ayurvedic Clinic with a focus on specific disorders. The consultations are conducted in small groups of 2 or 3 students and the doctors provide feedback on performance and a round-up of the day’s findings.
Case studies. Students conduct consultations with friends and acquaintances Advice and feedback to support their internship practices is available from our Ayurvedic doctors.
Online advisory service. Facebook closed group learning support for students to gain advice from our Ayurvedic physicians on their case studies on a case-by-case basis, and discuss case studies and topics.
Extended repository of Ayurvedic Herbal Home Remedies. A database of home remedies including new trials of tailor-made formulations.
We use a live-stream facility to broadcast the immersion weekends and for regular live-stream video sessions for exercises using case studies, and question and answer sessions.

We also maintain an online community hub for students to meet and discuss topics. We post questions and review discussions so that the lecturers can address areas students wish to focus more attention on.

What guidance or support do you offer if I want to practice?

We understand that one of the biggest challenges is establishing and maintaining a practice. Every aspect of this course has been designed to make Ayurveda a living, breathing science that is practiced personally and for the treatment of clients:

Syllabus & teaching
The whole of the syllabus is designed to give students the knowledge they need to treat clients effectively and in more depth. Drawing from her decades of clinical practice in the UK, Dr Deepika has put together the best of her knowledge, experience and tried and tested Ayurvedic methods for treatment. It is her true desire that such experience be used to serve others.

Vocational training
The in-course internship, involving case studies and training clinics with supervised consultations and case-by-case advice and feedback is an unparalleled level of practical training in order to develop further skills of identification and treatment of disorders as well as skills of consultation. The aim is to begin to have practitioners go beyond the application of knowledge learned in the first level. At this level, practitioners begin to understand in greater depth the principles of Ayurveda and interpret, adapt and apply them to the individual.

Practice development sessions
We have pooled advice on setting up a practice both from external experts and our own practitioners to give students critical advice on how to start, develop and thrive in practice. The sessions include advice on legal, financial and marketing aspects of practice and moreover provide insight into the personal psychology of practice and offer coaching to those who feel they would benefit.

Supplements, tonics & oils on a not-for-profit basis
Recognising that there is an enormous disparity in the quality of Ayurvedic supplements available on the market, the Institute is committed to providing supplements and oils to its own practitioners on a not-for-profit basis. They are specially designed for practitioners at each level and are of the highest quality, purity and potency, sourced from the same trusted specialist facility which has been supporting the Ayurvedic Clinic for over 20 years. At this level of practice we are able to introduce a greater range of formulated, compound supplements as well as exploring the capacity to produce supplements ourselves.

Optional additional modules in Abhyanga Marma Massage Therapy and Panchakarma Therapy which are offered to students of the Diploma course at specially discounted rates. We encourage those students who wish to practice at a higher level of competence to undertake the Massage Therapy and Panchakarma Therapy diplomas even if they do not offer the service themselves. Knowledge of both will greatly enhance the understanding of the Ayurvedic therapeutic models which we have been employed with great effect by Dr Deepika Rodrigo in the treatment of many disorders.
After qualification, we are committed to supporting our professionals to advance Ayurveda for the benefit of all. Beyond graduation, we offer a range of support services on a not-for-profit basis to our professionals:

Cost price purchase opportunities for our proprietary range of Ayurvedic herbal supplements, oils, elixirs and jams, designed specifically for practitioners at this level. The herbal supplements are carefully sourced from Sri Lanka and prepared by the same specialists providing for the Ayurvedic Clinic, which are of the highest quality, purity and potency.
Advisory service via online media for access to case-by-case advice for your clients from our highly experienced Ayurvedic doctors
Free of charge access to certain live-streamed Q&A sessions following the course
Free continuing participation in the online Facebook closed group forum community for their year
Membership of Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK (AAPUK), the home-grown community and support group for students and professionals

Sanskrit classes
In order to deepen the understanding of Ayurveda, Sanskrit is decoded. Sloka or Sanskrit verse is the way in which Ayurveda was first codified thousands of years ago and the principles remain intact and applicable today. We teach and practice Ayurveda staying always faithful to these original principles. These sloka and other Ayurvedic terms will be decoded to unveil deeper meaning.

Sanskrit is taught by Gabriella Burnel (BA Hons in Sanskrit, Oxon) and has been teaching Sanskrit for many years. Gabriella began learning Sanskrit and Pali at the age of four and teaches, chants and sings it as it is in her blood. Gabriella feels particularly strongly about the beauty in the sounding of the Sanskrit language and the purity of the alphabet.

For her introductory video please visit our Videos tab. For more information, please see our Prospectus.

How much does the course cost?
The cost of the course is £3,950.00
Can I spread the cost of the course?

Yes. Students can either pay in full or pay in instalments.

  • Deposit of £987.50 to secure a place upon completion of registration.
  • Three further payments of £987.50 to be paid on 1st December 2024, 1st March 2025, 1st June 2025

Domestic students must pay the first instalment upon registration to secure their place and thereafter sign up to a fully secure system of Direct Debit for the remaining instalments.

International students must pay the first instalment upon registration to secure their place and thereafter will be contacted to make further payments.

Personal payment plans are available at the discretion of the Institute’s directors upon application, in the event that a prospective student has financial commitments which prevent payment via the above method.

Are there any discounts available?
For more details, please see our Prospectus or speak to one of our Course Directors.
Withdrawals and refunds

If you wish to withdraw from the course you must apply in writing to the Directors.

For students who have paid the full course fees:

  • For withdrawal before the first immersion weekend, you are entitled to a full refund less 10% of the full cost of the course for administrative costs
  • For withdrawal before the second immersion weekend, you are entitled to a refund less 25% of the full cost of the course
  • For withdrawal between the second and third immersion weekend, you are entitled to a refund of 50% of the full cost of the course
  • After the third immersion weekend, no refunds can be made

For students who are paying in instalments:

  • For withdrawal before the first immersion weekend, you are entitled to a full refund of the deposit less 10% of the full cost of the course for administrative costs
  • For withdrawal before the second immersion weekend, you are entitled to a refund less 25% of the full cost of the course
  • After the second immersion weekend, no refunds can be made.
How do I register for the course?

For students who are new to the Ayurveda Institute, we speak to each of our prospective students in person either prior to or following their registration. This is to ensure that it is right course for you and we take care to ensure you are ready to undertake this learning. This is not a sales call and there is no obligation to register.

Please email us with your telephone number / Skype ID and availability and we will schedule a call with one of our course Directors

If you are ready to register, please complete the application form and return to: courses@ayurvedainstituteuk.co.uk

Where is the course held?
For students who wish to attend in person, the course will be held in our teaching facility at the Ayurveda Institute which is located on the same premises as the Ayurvedic Clinic.

The address is:

461 Brighton Road
South Croydon