
An Ayurvedic perspective on mental health

An Ayurvedic perspective on mental health

Introduction To be healthy ayurveda advices that you need to maintain perfect balance between your mind body and soul. In a world where our mental health can take a back step, ayurveda approach to mental health helps you focus on your mental wellbeing via natural...

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Ayurvedic Selfcare: An ayurvedic morning routine

Ayurvedic Selfcare: An ayurvedic morning routine

Introduction Routine helps our constitutions to balance, to give structure to a day from regulating our biological clocks to aiding digestion. An ayurvedic morning routine is the ultimate in self care helping us start the day of with positivity, happiness and peace...

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Understanding the power of Ayurvedic healing

Understanding the power of Ayurvedic healing

Introduction Ayurvedic healing is one of the oldest holistic systems in the world. Originating in India ayurvedic teachings are based on the belief that mental health and physical wellbeing are based on the balance between the mind, body and soul. The intricate link...

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Viral Infections | The Ayurvedic Perspective

Viral Infections | The Ayurvedic Perspective

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Something is going on in the world currently over which we have no control. The Coronavirus is spreading everywhere, according to some people who are kind of health experts. It is important that we know about the virus and as...

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Ayurveda Vata Pitta Kapha Tridoshic diet explained

Ayurveda Vata Pitta Kapha Tridoshic diet explained

Introduction An ayurvedic diet is one that is based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, which promotes maintaining balance. Based on your life force or dosha you are encouraged to follow meal plans that support your dominant dosha. This boosts wellbeing and other...

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Crime against wisdom | Causes of illness

Crime against wisdom | Causes of illness

Why do we get sick? We have forgotten why. Yes sometimes it is due to diet, lifestyle and wrong choices we make but based on my 25 years of experience seeing patients I also believe we are getting sick because we use unnecessary pharmaceutical drugs which is the main...

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Ayurveda and womb health

Ayurveda and womb health

Introduction Being in tune and familiar with your menstrual cycle helps you understand each month which dosha imbalances your body is dealing with and the overall health of your womb. Ayurveda is one of the few sciences that focusses on the female reproductive system...

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Ayurveda Panchakarma Cleanse and Detox

Ayurveda Panchakarma Cleanse and Detox

Introduction Ayurveda is an ancient healing life science that focuses on the comprehensive teachings of preserving and maintaining physical and mental health for complete wellbeing. Despite being an ancient science its teaching can be adapted and adopted to modern...

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Five Steps to Enhance Immunity

Five Steps to Enhance Immunity

Introduction Ayurveda is all about achieving overall health through finding and maintaining balance within to prevent illness rather than simply cure. When balance is achieved it helps strengthen your immune system as well because it operates in a delicate balance....

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