
What is Pitta dosha and how do I balance it?

What is Pitta dosha and how do I balance it?

Introduction Pitta dosha is one of the key doshas in Ayurveda. Pitta basically translate as fire, but not fire in the literal sense but more to do with heat energy in the body with digestion and transformation. Balancing pitta dosha is important to maintain a good...

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How to increase immunity with Ayurveda naturally

How to increase immunity with Ayurveda naturally

Introduction Ayurveda is all about addressing the root causes of our imbalances rather than simply suppressing symptoms. It works with a person’s specific body and works to create balance through means such as dietary changes, herbal medicine, massages, acupuncture...

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Pain-free Weight Loss, The natural Ayurvedic way

  Weight loss doesn’t have to hurt. Being kind and gentle to the body using Ayurvedic wisdom allows it to do the work of detoxifying and shedding extra weight naturally. According to Ayurveda, a 5,000-year old system of healing, knowing how to help the body detox...

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