The art of effortless and open communication: 12 essential patient communication skills for ayurvedic practitioners

Jan 3, 2024 | Ayurveda

It’s happened to all of us before. The inability to communicate our fears, worries, and even our symptoms to the people who need to hear it the most. After all, this requires immense trust and conviction.

As effective patient communication is crucial for Ayurvedic practitioners to establish rapport, understand the patient’s needs, and collaborate on a holistic treatment plan, getting patients to open up to you is a crucial but often-underrated skill. One that needs to be learned in order to be an effective Ayurvedic practitioner.

So, what exactly are the essential communication skills Ayurvedic practitioners must cultivate? Read on below:

  1. Active listening

Practice active listening to fully understand the patient’s concerns, experiences, and health goals. Give them your full attention, maintain eye contact, and avoid interrupting. Learn to also observe and identify non-verbal cues that provide further insight and information.

  1. Empathy

Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging and validating the patient’s emotions, experiences, and challenges. Showing understanding and compassion is crucial to building trust and a strong practitioner-patient relationship.

  1. Cultural sensitivity

Respect and appreciate the cultural background of the patient. Understand cultural nuances that may impact their health beliefs, practices, and preferences.

  1. Clear communication

Use clear and simple language when explaining Ayurvedic concepts, treatment plans, and dietary or lifestyle recommendations. Avoid medical jargon and ensure that the patient understands the information provided.

  1. Open-ended questions

Ask open-ended questions to encourage patients to share more about their health concerns, lifestyle, and daily habits. This helps in gaining comprehensive insights into their well-being.

  1. Educational guidance

Educate patients about Ayurvedic principles, doshas, and the holistic nature of Ayurveda.

When possible, provide written materials or resources that reinforce Ayurvedic principles, dietary guidelines, and lifestyle practices. This information empowers them to make informed decisions about their health, making them more likely to implement recommendations.

  1. Collaborative decision-making

Involve patients in the decision-making process regarding their treatment plan. This empowers patients to take an active role in their health.

Offer guidance on self-care practices, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments that they can incorporate into their daily routine while collaborating and setting realistic health goals and discussing the steps needed to achieve them.

  1. Patient-centred approach

Tailor recommendations based on the patient’s individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Acknowledge their unique constitution (Prakriti) and current imbalances (Vikriti) to create a personalised plan.

  1. Non-judgmental attitude

Foster a non-judgmental and supportive attitude where patients feel comfortable sharing information about their health, habits, and challenges without fear of criticism.

Similarly, create a welcoming and comfortable setting in which patients feel at ease. This, in turn, allows them to be more open about voicing their concerns.

  1. Feedback and check-ins

Encourage patients to provide feedback on the treatment plan, dietary changes, or any challenges they may face. Regular check-ins help assess progress and make necessary adjustments.

  1. Time management

Allocate sufficient time for patient consultations. Avoid rushing through appointments to ensure thorough discussions, address all concerns, and allow patients to ask questions.

  1. Confidentiality

Maintain strict confidentiality regarding the patient’s health information. This allows them to feel secure and comfortable when sharing personal details.


The ability of an Ayurvedic practitioner to put patients at ease, create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and give patients the confidence to share personal information is an incredible skill. And honing and mastering this skill is, therefore, a vital part of training to be an effective Ayurvedic practitioner.

But what exactly does effective communication entail? Effective communication involves fostering trust, building rapport, ensuring transparent and honest communication, gathering information, allaying doubts, and addressing fears and concerns. And ultimately providing incredible patient care.

By incorporating these communication skills, Ayurvedic practitioners can enhance the patient experience, strengthen the practitioner-patient relationship, and support patients in their journey toward holistic well-being.