Sounds and music in Ayurvedic healing – everything you need to know

Oct 21, 2023 | Ayurveda


Music has the power to affect our mental physical health mostly by relieving stress levels and improving our moods. The right combination of songs can increase our energy levels and even reduce pain levels. We each have our own individual connection to music and generally we all inherently react positively to music as it connects us to the rhythms of life providing us with a sense of balance between our soul, mind and body.

Ayurvedic perspective on healing

Based on ancient teachings that originated in India over 5000 years ago, ayurveda is a natural system of healing centred on the idea that ill health originates from an imbalance in our natural constitution. Ayurveda encourages using dietary and lifestyle modifications and natural therapies to regain your unique natural balance between the dosha – vata, pitta and kapha.

The teachings advise using your five senses of sound, sight, taste, smell and touch, to return to your natural balance and to promote healing. Listening to music is one such therapy as music is a universal language that can have healing and relaxing benefits. It is believed that music can stimulate the pituitary gland whose secretion affects the flow of blood and the nervous system. The correct type of healing music or sounds is said to vibrate the cells of the body to promote health and relaxation. Ayurveda’s holistic approach to healing appreciates the energy the correct music can create to control negative emotions such as anger, worry and envy, which reduces tension and stress which in turn balances blood pressure.

Depending on your ayurvedic body type based on your dominant dosha, different types of sounds and music will have immense benefits towards your wellbeing and health according to ayurvedic concepts.

Vata dosha – benefit from soft, mellow and low tones played on string instruments or sounds of chimes or Himalayan bowls for healing and meditative influences

Kapha dosha – the focus should be on energising music with a solid bassline such as Indian tabla and African conga music as well as bells and chimes.

Pitta dosha – soft rhythmic flute or clarinet music is ideal as well as string instruments such as the mandolin or violin for a soothing effect.

Sound healing therapy in Ayurveda

Sound healing therapy uses varying music, tones and specific instruments to create vibrations that help balance the mind, body and spirit for wellbeing. It helps promote an atmosphere of rest, emotional release and rebalancing.

Nada yoga – basically this means ‘union through sound’ and uses vibrations and resonances to treat spiritual and physical conditions helping to energise the dosha or life energies. It focuses on the two type of sounds – internal or anahata and external or ahata to help the mind focus and to control breathing. By using sounds you are helped to focus and quiet your mind so that you can hear the internal sound of your heart.

Chanting – The sound of chanting releases in the mind, positive energy that helps decrease stress and negativity. This ancient practice stimulates changes in the brain to unify it and calm the mind significantly decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Toning – This ayurvedic sound therapy focusses on the unique vibrations of each part of the body. Specific chants or tones are used to raise the vibration of the area and promote healing and the natural process of the body’s rhythmic pattern.

Singing bowls – The sound therapy provided by singing bowls is said to benefit some mental and physical conditions, as the sound moves fluidly through skin and bones. This creates an environment of resonance within the body for rebalance and relaxation. They are perfect alongside guided meditations.

Instrumental sounds – Instrumental sounds such as bells and chimes create a vibration that can act as a gentle reminder to stay focussed in the present and to be aware of our breathing to promote a calm mind. A calm mind reduces stress and helps with health and wellbeing and balance between the mind, body and soul.

Benefits of sounds and music in Ayurvedic healing

Ayurveda uses sounds and music to increase the blood flow to the brain, which is central to all functionality of our being, It stimulates the region of the brain that generates and controls emotions with vibrations that create positivity and reduces negativity. Specific sounds, chants or mantras can reach the body’s energy centres or chakras to create balance and promote overall vitality and energy flow. Calming and soothing sounds help the mind reach a peaceful state which helps reduce blood pressure, slow the heart rate down, increase blood flow and decrease stress. That is why sound therapy is used to improve the quality of your sleep, manage anxiety and through that enhance health and wellbeing.


The power of music and soothing sounds which transcends language and time cannot be denied when it comes to calming your mind and quietening your thoughts. Tapping into the human body’s unique resonant frequency it creates an environment of harmony and balance. It directly affects moods and can guide the brain towards deep relaxation with certain frequencies and vibrations stimulating the release of endorphins which is the body’s natural chemical to relieve pain. If you want to achieve relaxation, balance and increased concentration and focus, consider ayurvedic sound therapy as your pathway to achieving wellness.