
Health benefits of Amla

Health benefits of Amla

Introduction If you are new to the wonderful health benefits of amla then read on and find out why you too should be incorporating it into your life. Also known as an Indian gooseberries, amla is native to Asia and has a unique flavour. Amla health benefits are...

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Treating infertility the ayurvedic way

Treating infertility the ayurvedic way

Introduction The CDC defines infertility as generally ‘not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or longer) of unprotected sex’. Ayurveda has a long historic background about the importance of treating infertility detailed in the ancient literature,...

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Intuitive eating extracts

Intuitive eating extracts

Not based on the person but the dosa within them. We need to categorise them as having a vata, pitta or kapha constitution. The dosha have to be in balance because humans consist of a flow or rhythm and that helps us to intuitive know what is good for us, what to eat,...

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Menopause – The Ayurvedic Perspective

Menopause – The Ayurvedic Perspective

I'm going to talk about menopause today. All we hear about menopause is doom, gloom and negativity and hot flashes. But today I am going to explain to you how liberating menopause can be, the fascinating freedom women going through menopause can experience. It will...

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When is the right time for ayurvedic body cleansing?

When is the right time for ayurvedic body cleansing?

Introduction An ayurvedic body cleanse or panchakarma is a way of cleansing the body of unwanted waste through a five step ayurvedic purification process. As an ancient life science spanning a history of over 5000 years, Ayurveda teachings and practices have more than...

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What is vata dosha? Vata under stress and imbalance

What is vata dosha? Vata under stress and imbalance

Introduction The ancient life science of ayurveda identified three main life energies or dosha that govern our physical and mental processes. According to ayurvedic teachings these doshas form the blueprint for our health and wellness and when they are in imbalance we...

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Principles of Ayurveda

Principles of Ayurveda

Introduction Ayurveda is considered one of the oldest healing sciences based on healthy lifestyle principles. Ayurveda means ‘the science of life’ and with a history that spans over 5000 years it is also sometimes referred to as the ‘Mother of all healing’. Principles...

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Ayurveda says listen to your body and here’s why

Ayurveda says listen to your body and here’s why

Introduction Ayurveda is an ancient life science that embraces the fact that each individual is unique, and that each person should pay attention to their own bodies in order to achieve wellness and wellbeing. According to ayurveda why you should listen to your body...

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How to choose a Panchakarma centre?

How to choose a Panchakarma centre?

Introduction Panchakarma is an ayurvedic cleanse that helps the body heal and rejuvenate through a journey of discovery by ridding the body of unwanted waste. Choosing panchakarma centre to suit your requirements, is important if you want to get the best experience...

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Best ways to boost your bala or energy

Best ways to boost your bala or energy

Introduction Ayurveda is an ancient life science that focusses on maintaining balance in life to enjoy mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The over 5000 year old teachings which originated in India say life is sustained by the tripod of mental, physical and...

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