
Identifying ayurvedic body types – What are they?

Identifying ayurvedic body types – What are they?

Introduction Ayurveda teachings say that each of us consists of life energies or forces referred to as dosha. We all have unique combinations of these dosha – vata, pitta and kapha – which make up our individual constitutions. The balance of these energies plays a...

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The ayurvedic approach to a vegetarian diet

The ayurvedic approach to a vegetarian diet

Introduction Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine or life science with a history spanning about 5000 years. It follows a philosophy of prevention being better than treatment and advises on how to find balance in life – balance from within the body, mind...

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Ayurvedic treatments and remedies for sinusitis

Ayurvedic treatments and remedies for sinusitis

Introduction The medicinal system, Ayurveda is a life science based on ancient writings that teach a holistic approach to mental and physical health. Even though its origin dates back over 3000 years, Ayurveda is adaptable which is why it is still practiced today and...

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How can ayurveda help enhance immunity in children?

How can ayurveda help enhance immunity in children?

Introduction Building a strong immunity in children helps them cultivate the habit of looking after their immune system health as adults. In children their immune systems are still developing and strengthening it will serve them through adulthood. Enhancing a child’s...

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